
Welcome To Owendale United Methodist Church

Welcome to Owendale United Methodist Church.
We’re glad you found us!


We have several options for worship:

In person worship at 11:00 am.

Facebook live at 11:00 am.


Hello! Thank you for visiting our website.  Look around, and visit often.  Our site is still new and events and news will be added all the time.

Perhaps you have been involved in other churches or maybe you have never been inside a church.  Maybe you think you are too old, too young, too busy or too scared to become involved in a church.  Visiting Owendale United Methodist Church will not automatically make you a more spiritual person or a perfect Christian.  It takes a lifetime to travel the Christian path.  Our doors are always open.  Please join us as we travel that path.


*We reach out to people and welcome them into the church.

*We relate people to God and help them deepen their relationship with God.

*We nurture people in Christian living.

*We support people in their ministry.